Sunday 25 September 2016


It has been another great week of cycling for me. In addition to four rides, which are detailed below, on Wednesday I gave a talk about my recent M2M adventure, illustrated with slides, to Southampton CTC at their clubroom.  Then an Friday I went to hear Rob Jordan's talk about his Race Across Europe at IBM. Much more impressive than mine! Well done Rob. I was fortunate to meet Rob's parents and had a pleasant meal with them before the talk started.

Tuesday 20th September 2016.

Thursday 22nd September 2016.

Up Somborne viewed from the lane leading to Sparsholt.

Saturday 24th September 2016.

Sunday 25th September 2016.

I Pause for a break in Medstead.

Do you know where this is?

Simon by the Gold Letter Box in honour of Peter Charles
Olympic Champion in 2012.

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