Sunday 3 July 2016

Cooling Down Week.

Monday 27th June.

Already included in M2M blog.

Click on picture to see full screen.
However, I have been looking into some of the data from my Garmin recordings and have discovered that I achieved my best ever RITMO rating of 15.5 on tour. Here are more details:

For those who are wondering, RITMO scores are like golf handicaps, the lower the number the better you are. Maximum is 30. I am usually in the mid twenties. Mariana Voss was 3 last time I looked.

Thursday 30th June  Ride with Winchester CTC to Hungerford.

Saturday 2nd July 2016.
Met with Winchester CTC easy all day ride.

Now I must get on with some gardening. Lots to do after 3 weeks of near neglect. My kind neighbour Peter did water my plants and mow the lawns for me whilst I was away.


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