Thursday 21 January 2016

Milo brings home the bacon!

Thursday 21st Jan. 2015. HCMF meet at The Bishop's Mitre, Chilbolton.

The roads were free of ice and not too wet so I chose to take Milo out for another ride. The HCMF were meeting in Chilbolton so I thought that would be a suitable distance to have a decent test ride.
However the most direct route would get me there too early so I chose to loop around through Longparish.
On the way to Kingsworthy I passed Martyn and another rider heading for Alresford. Then on the climb from The King Charles towards Stoke Charity I exchanged greetings with Debs's horse riding friend.
I made exceptional time to Stoke Charity just over 44.5 minutes. Still not good enough to rival my other Groupetta pals.
In Bullington I encountered a tractor hedge trimming, covering the road with debris. Closer inspection revealed that it was a mixture of hazel, hawthorn and blackthorn. Not wanting another puncture, I stopped before the debris field and carried Milo for the next couple of hundred yards. Fortunately it was not longer.
I arrived at the pub to find that despite my detour I was still quite early and only Roger was present, enjoying the log fire. One advantage of being early was I was the first one to get served with lunch. This also gave me the opportunity to circulate amongst the other riders for a chat.
It was still only a little after one when I left the others so decided to loop again, this time to Stockbridge and Kings Somborne. As you can see from my splits I could not keep up that early pace, but I did manage an overall average moving speed of 12 mph.

On my way home I stopped for short break by Crawley Pond which still had a lot of ice on it.

Instead of going to Three Maids Hill for a change I went through Littleton and down Wellhouse Lane to Kingsworthy.

I was home about 3.20 p.m. in dire need of a cup of tea. Having had a good day out on Milo. (NO PUNCTURES)
I intend to ride Posh at the earliest opportunity to compare his performance with  that of Milo before choosing which one to ride on an Audax on Jan 31st.



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