Thursday 13 August 2015

A Friendship Renewed.

Tuesday 11th August 2015.

Almost 3 years ago I first met Christine Wood when we were doing the Gridiron on 14th October 2012. We both thought it was time to enjoy a ride together again. So Christine drove over to my home and Simon joined us. I led them on the easy way to the top of Mollie's Dismount by way of Itchen Abbas. Christine not having ridden much recently had been a little apprehensive but she was fine and in no danger of being dropped!

Our first port of call was the Spitfire Club Room at Popham. Coffee was only available from the serve yourself machine. We had some difficulty in working it but we were assisted by another customer.

We enjoyed watching several planes landing and taking off before continuing on our journey.

Next stop was at Steventon where we visited the little church where Jane Austen's father had been rector.

Steventon Church with Christine and Simon

It was very interesting with a number of the memorials relating to the Austen family and with an unusual painting over the arch to the chancel.
There was also a brass plaque recording the fact that Jane worshipped in the church.

Time was marching on and realizing that we were quite close to Jolly Olly's in Oakley we headed there for a light lunch. 

Our return to Alresford was via the Candover Valley and being largely downhill this enabled us to improve our average speed for the day.  (N.B. I was the one trailing up over the last climb, not Christine!)

Once again a good ride despite a spot or two of rain and a great way to renew a friendship. I think we should admit Christine to The Alresford Groupetta as a visiting member.

Simon and I are both looking forward to an "away day" ride with Christine in the New Forest area.


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