Sunday 22 February 2015

The Fight for the Ton Up Kid medal hots up!

Tuesday 17th February 2015. Groupetta Ride via Oakley and Freefolk.

Had a late start as I had an appointment with my doctor, so rode to join a group of friends at their coffee stop at Jolly Olly's in Oakley.
Made good time on the 15 miles there (11.5 mph) and found in addition to my two Groupetta friends another 9 riders. Three of us decided to take a long route home to stretch our legs, and get in some more miles, via Whitchurch. We thought that Ian and Caroline were going to join us but as we split from the others when leaving Oakley, Caroline not being aware of that decision, went with the main group. We paused expecting them to join us but after several minutes it was evident that they were not so we carried on. We headed North from the B3400 with yours truly leading the others into a pub car park by mistake before taking the adjacent turn towards Hannington. We turned along the Harrow Way and climbed gradually onto the Kingsclere Road. We turned towards Cole Henley climbing a couple of steep pitches to reach 631 feet our highest point of the day. In Cole Henley there is a nasty little hill of more than 1 in 7 to test our tiring legs.
We chose not to carry on into Whitchurch but instead followed the Watership Down route past the Travellers' Encampment and past the Watership Down Pub into Freefolk. 

Near East Stratton we had a short break by a seat with spring flowers planted nearby. 

Winter Aconites.
We were soon back on to familiar ground and S & S were heading for an over 50 mile ride, but just ot make sure Sarah took us down into Itchen Abbass via one of her favourite descents and then back into  Alresford via the ford. 
My Two Pals passing the cress beds near the ford..

I went with Simon to his house to collect my "Ton Up Kid" medal while Sarah continued home.

A very enjoyable day out with S & S and others to share it with 

Thursday 19th February 2015. HCMF Meet at The Cricketers, Easton.
Originally the Groupetta had hoped to fit in another group ride but unfortunately circumstances prevented this. Health issues and the weather forecast for rain from mid day meant that I was on my own when I set off just after ten o'clock to ride to the meet.
I had planned a route of about 20 miles to the pub and I followed this plan. Here is my map from which you can see I headed in a southerly loop through Owslebury and Colden Common and then back through. Winchester.

There were a few spits and spats of rain as I rode to the pub but nothing to be worried about. 
In Hensting Lane I met a large group of horses with riders and walkers from the Hampshire Riding Therapy Centre. A very worthwhile charity helping both children and adults with special needs. Here is a link to their web site:-

My route to Easton from Winchester was an unusual one up Quarry Road and along the Alresford Road before turning down to the village of Easton.

View of the downs to the east from the Long Walk near Easton.
I managed the 21 miles to the pub in just under 2 hours. here I found about half a dozen members of the group and we were soon joined by many more. Because of the forecast rain about half of those present had come by car to join in the fun which was partially spoilt by the pub seeming to be unprepared for us despite Angela having made a booking. However we did get the staff to turn on the lights in one dim corner and to turn off the unwatched TV which was spoiling the ambiance.
After a chat and a swift pint I headed home for lunch getting modestly wet on the way in the gentle rain. It has been much heavier since I got there!

Saturday 21st February 2015. Alresford Groupetta ride to Hambldon.

Simon's view of our day:

Yesterday I made some changes to my 1947 Selbach by swapping the sprocket on the 3 speed Sturmey AM (Alloy) hub gear from 19 to 22 teeth plus I fitted a pair of Phillips Alloy / Rubber pedals. The intention was to ride this bike today but with the lowest gear still being around a 48 inch, I just couldn't face pounding up the hills on our intended route and without toe clips! On our ascent of Old Winchester Hill it was clearly the right decision, being over a mile of climbing, plus we had several steeper hills on the route, one of which, just leaving Hambledon village, defeated Bryce Mansfield - can't remember any other time I've seen him walk part of a hill! So I was glad to be riding the Raleigh Royal with its very wide gear range and something like a 20 inch bottom gear. Bryce took the attached photos nearing the top of Old Winchester Hill and of myself trying to get a caffeine hit before the last 10 miles. 44 miles today plus 54 on Tuesdays and about 3 test riding the Selbach puts me just over the 100. But super competitive Bryce is still about 15-20 ahead. Clearly he will be retaining the coveted 'Ton up Kid' badge this week!

Looking South East from the top of the climb from West Meon.
Our destination the Beech Cafe just near the distant phone masts.

Looking towards East Meon over Henwood.

Wake Up! Simon you still have 10 mile to do. Bench close to the Brush Makers Arms - Upham
(Simon's own words)
At the Beech Cafe we sat in the sunshine while we drank our coffee and shared some of Simon's cake. A rider from Petersfield spotted my Ton Up Kid badge and asked what it was for. He suggested we should get one every time we did 100 in the week. Simon thought this would be too expensive.

I suggested a fast roundabout route to the village of Hambledon and we hurtled down the hill to Clanfield topping 34 mph. The gentle descent from there to Denmead enabled us to increase our average speed from sub 10 to 11.2 mph, sadly that was soon curtailed as we undulated our way to The Vyne. This was had almost a Marie Celeste quality with only one other customer. However at least it was peaceful and I enjoyed a most delicious baked spud with chili and cheese topping with a good side salad. Simon enjoyed his sandwich too.

Our journey home after lunch was via Soberton, Bishops Waltham and Upham where we had our second coffee, from Simon's Flask, accompanied by coconut cakes that I'd brought

I suggested we took Longwood Down Lane to the A272 so we could enjoy a change from the Milbury's route. This route also has another fast descent from the top of the down to Cheriton.

We were home before 4 o'clock having had a really good day out despite to cold wind.

Thanks Simon for your companionship!


Sunday 15 February 2015

Ton Up Kid Medal won by Simon Turner who only had it for a couple of days!

Tuesday 10th February. I missed riding with my friends as I was having a new fence put in on one side of my garden. Simon however clocked up 51 miles and Sarah 39 so I was keen to get out on Thursday 12th to clock a few miles myself. After what seemed like a never ending string of email messages Simon and I were the only ones who could actually make it.
I had initially planned a route to show others some new roads and we decided to stick with it.
We first headed to Itchen Abbass, which had originally been our planned meet point, before turning up Northington Road. (My devious way of getting to the top of Mollie's Dismount without having to toil up it).
At the foot of the hill at Totford there is these signs:

No wonder people get lost! I have since reported the state of the signs to the Hants. C.C.
The next few miles to Axford were easy going and we made good time. When we got there we discovered the road to Ellisfield was closed. We decided to chance our luck that we would be able to get through. There was a lot of work going on in three separate places with the frayed edges of the road being replaced but with the help of the workers we were able to get through.
Our first target was the Avenue G.C. at Lasham. We arrived to find there were lots of grey haired customers already there and others queuing to be served. (So we fitted in quite well!).
Bearing in mind our last experience here we ordered one Belgian Bun to share. 

The Great Belgian Bun.

Another cyclist, waiting to be served, spotted that we were sharing and felt that that was a wise decision, but he questioned the fair division of the bun as Simon seemed to have a larger portion of the cherry. Well he did pay for it!
This cyclist (Steve) had ridden from Crondall with a friend and was a recently joined member of Fleet CTC.

Time was slipping by so we got moving once again and took a zigzag route to The Angel, Privett. We passed Roger heading in the opposite direction near Bentworth.
At the pub we found a modest number of riders, but we were quite late. I had HCMF subs pressed upon me by three members who did not know I was no longer treasurer. I promised I would pass them on. We had a nice pint before eating a quick snack outside and planned a longer route home to try to get Simon's mileage for the week to over the magic Ton.

I calculated that a loop through West Meon, Warnford and Wheeley Down would probably do it. Then at the last minute I deviated a little more by going through Privett village and down onto the A272 this proved to be the deciding factor as by the time we got to the ford, almost home, Simon had just clocked up enough miles. 

The Happy Medallist!

When I arrived home I had just managed 50 miles myself.

Saturday 14th February. Groupetta Ride ( ?) to South Warnborough
With Simon being away for the weekend and Sarah being busy with family matters Paddy and I agreed to ride to South Warnborough for lunch. Paddy suggested an interesting route. Unfortunately on Saturday morning Paddy had to cry off due to a couple of emergencies so I set off on my own at 9.20. 
I followed our planned route via the Candover Valley to Cliddesden. Lots of snowdrops in the hedgerows all along the way.

Hedgerow Snowdrops.
From Cliddesden I took a lane across to the A339 and rode down almost to the M3. Turned Eastwards but instead of taking Paddy's suggested route to Tunworth I continued to Mapledurwell where I encountered a small flood. I managed enough speed to freewheel through it to avoid pedalling and getting my feet wet. 

Floods in Mapledurwell.
The weather was not to bad at this juncture with some warm sunny spells but it was gradually getting more overcast. 
I took a bit of a detour along roads I'd not ridden before from Greywell to enter Odiham via the A237 and an underpass which links with the Old London Road. As I was getting hungry now my aim was to get to the Village Shop in South Warnborough. I found a way through Long Sutton and was soon at the shop where I was served very speedily with a delicious all day breakfast and a cup of tea, all for the sum of £5, exceedingly good value.
Unfortunately it had now started to rain and I set off up Froyle Lane with creaky after lunch legs wishing I was home. After half a mile I discovered I'd left my map in the Shop and had to turn back. the second time i climbed out of the village I found it much easier. I had only ridden this lane once before in the opposite direction and found it very peaceful and rural, I think it would look lovely in the sunshine. It leads to the ridge, not far from the village of Lower Froyle, and to the Golden Pot. I was now on much more familiar ground and sped for home in the now steady light rain. It eased for a while and I decided that as I still needed to add a few more miles to reach my 50 target I would go through Medstead and Four Marks before taking that lovely fast descent into Ropley. 
By the time I got home I had achieved my goal of over 50 miles and a "Ton" for the week.  Was that medal now in my grasp?

Just to make sure I'd done enough to wrest the medal from Simon I added another 21.5 miles on Sunday 15th February.

I wanted to see how the Spring 50 was going so headed in the reverse direction around part of the northern half of the course. I was passed by a large group of riders from Odiham heading for home as I climbed Armsworth Hill and already I was meeting riders who appeared to be on the Spring 50. Near Bentworth I passed Bob who must have been making good time. I also met and exchange greeting with other riders many known to me.
As I was returning home through Alresford i thought I spotted my friend Caroline outside Tiffins', I pulled up just past the junction with the B4306 and as I did so two other riders also stopped. They had overshot the junction too thinking I was on the Spring 50 and had followed me. The lady fell to the ground but was not hurt and I soon directed the pair the right way up Jacklyn's Lane.
By this time Caroline had disappeared, but I soon discovered by text messages that she and Ian had gone to the Courtyard Cafe for refreshments. I invited them to call on me before they went home and they eventually did so. We had a real nice catch up chat as I'd only seen Caroline once this year and Ian not since before Christmas.

For the record here is my map of the day.

My total for the week just short of 125 miles. YIPPEE!


Sunday 8 February 2015

Snow, Ice, Sunshine and Brisk Breezies.

Tuesday 3rd February.
Woke just after 7 a.m. to discover a white world outside. About 2" of snow had fallen in the night. Thought it was unlikely to clear in time for my scheduled ride with a group of friends. Within an hour or so it was snowing again and we had cancelled our ride.

A view of our home from our neighbour's house..

Soon after the phone rang and my daughter Sarah was asking if I fancied a walk in the snow. The answer YES! 
We set off about 10.30 in sunshine and had fun up Drove Lane spotting the various animal tracks. We identified deer, pheasant and rabbit tracks and saw others we could not identify.

In all we walked about 4 miles in two hours, mainly along tracks and paths and had a thoroughly enjoyable walk and a change from pedalling, but how my legs ached later on!

As always I can't resist a map!

Thursday . When I looked out first thing it was grey cold and uninviting and within an hour it was snowing again. I rang Simon and we agreed to cancel our planned ride to join the HCMF at Kings Somborne. 
Friday 6th February.
After a cold start the afternoon was beautifully sunny though a keen NE wind made it very cold. Not wanting to miss out on the chance of a ride I rang Simon but he was not at home, so I set off for a short keep fit ride on my own. I chose a convoluted route to Medstead riding up and down the lanes crisscrossing the ridge along which the railway line runs. I was riding into the wind so was not surprised when I eventually arrived by the church in Medstead to discover my average speed was only 9 m.p.h..
I still had an hour of sunlight so continued northwards to Bentworth and Burkham. In one place because of the wind I was struggling to get up a modest hill in bottom gear.
Fortunately the slopes and wind were now all in my favour as I zoomed homewards through the Candover valley, enabling me to post a decent overall average speed. 
I arrived home just as the sun dipped below the horizon at 5.05 p.m.
Map and Data for the Day.
Saturday 7th February 2015.
The planned Winchester CTC ride was coming through Alresford where they were stopping for coffee before continuing to East Meon for lunch. Joining them in Alresford we would have had a relativley short ride, so on my suggestion The Alresford Groupetta decided to start at 10 to ride to Petersfield for Coffee and then to join the CTC group at the Izaak Walton for lunch.
The plan worked well. Three of us set off via Ropley and up Smugglers Lane to West Tisted. (Chosen as it is the least steep of the three roads leading to the village).
We crossed the A32 near Privett and then just past the church we found the road blocked by a modest size fallen tree. We thought we might be able to move it but it was much to difficult so we left it for someone with a chain saw to deal with.

The highlight of the morning was the descent of Stoner Hill. Two miles of careful speeding tempered by some cautious braking on the steeper & rougher bits.

I lost sight of Simon who was in front at this stage as cars came past so was surprised to find him behind Paddy and I as I entered the market square. He had taken a different turn but then had spotted us going past and had followed our route.
It was very pleasant sitting inside warming up with a good coffee after the chilly ride. Not wanting to take the shortest route to East Meon as that would involve riding the A272 we opted to take a loop to the south near to Buriton and then take the Ramsdean Lane passing this interesting house converted from a grain store. Compare the picture with one I took in May last year.

Converted Grain Store. Feb 2015.

Converted Grain Store. May 2014.
We arrived at the pub in East Meon just before one o'clock, our target time. Outside there were about 15 bicycles so we were surprised once inside to discover only four riders from Winchester CTC. Chris, Alan G., Julie & Lydia. They had been there since 12.15 so had already had their lunch. After a good natter they left to wend their way back to Winchester. Soon afterwards our lunches arrived. We were pleased with the quality and the price and I definitely recommend using the pub again.
Eventually we completed our own ride home. Once more I led my two companions along one of my favourite routes, through West Meon and Warnford and up Wheeley Down past the artistic blacksmithy and a very fierce looking shark!

Once at the top of the down we had an easy ride for the last few miles past the Milbury's and through Beauworth, Cheriton and Tichborne.

I was pleased to be home in time to watch some exciting rugby in the "Six Nations".

Thanks Simon and Paddy for being very understanding of my bullying ways!

Paddy's comment on Face Book:
Dull weather very chilly north wind especially on the way back. Well looked after by Bryce Mansfield and Simon Turner. Nice coffee stop in Petersfield and good lunch at Isaac Walton pub in East Meon. Slow the two younsters down a bit but doing me good.


Sunday 1 February 2015

Breezy Riverdown Circuit

After last week's fabulous century plus I barely broke my duck this week. i missed riding on Tuesday due to grandfatherly duties and Thursday was horrible and wet. I had planned to ride with Graham on the Winchester CTC Intermediate ride on Saturday 31st but when I woke I found it had snowed in the night and was threatening to do so again, I contacted Graham and told him I was not joining the ride. He was in two minds about cancelling the ride, but in the end he decided to go ahead. He tells me that he and five others had a good ride despite the weather and that two more joined them for lunch at the pub. (Kathy & Kevin?).

Sunday 1st February.
I found I had an unexpected window of opportunity before lunch so got out on Sporty to register at least  a few miles in the week. There was no time to consult with either Paddy or Simon as I shot off to make the most of the winter sunshine. It was very breezy but that was not a problem at first as I rode to Bishop's Sutton and up Scrubbs Lane to the Cheriton battlefield site.  The lane into Cheriton was a bit mucky past the dairy farm so I was glad I was mounted on Sporty with mudguards. Once through the village I climbed the steepest hill of the day to Hinton Ampner. 
A few ramblers here enjoying the day too.
As I rode along the valley to  Brockwood I could hear the wind howling in the trees on the hills above me and as I turned up Riverdown I felt it on my right hand side trying to push me into the gutter. It was quite scary as I passed gaps in the hedge which were giving me some shelter. Just after the chicken farm I was caught by a rider from Four Marks on a mountain bike. He was heading for Droxford before returning home. I suggested that he might like to try the old railway line from Droxford to Meonstoke and West Meon for his return journey. We chatted as we rode together to the top of the hill where we parted.
I paused a while to enjoy the view to the north and take this picture of Hinton Ampner House. 

Hinton Ampner House from the Southdowns.

The next two miles to The Milbury's was very hard work as I was riding almost directly into the wind and I was on the top of the exposed ridge, it was easier once I got to the shelter of the wooded section.
From here it was an easy ride home. near Cheriton i was passed by about 30 scooters who were heading for the Flower Pots.
During my ride |I saw over 20 other cyclists, a couple of them twice. They seemed to be doing a similar circuit but in the opposite direction.
I was home almost on schedule for Sunday lunch, Hunters' Chicken with roast spuds, parsnips and mixed veg, I certainly had worked up a good appetite for it.

A good opportunist ride averaging only 10.9 m.p.h., but it was quite hilly and very windy.
