Sunday 25 January 2015

Great start to the week with over 75 miles covered in 2 days.

Monday 19th January (Already)!
Cold but lovely sunny morning. Too good to waste it on domestic chores, so I went for a ride. 
Just a gentle loop from home via Ropley, Four marks and Medstead.

Popped into the Tree House Cafe at the Garthowen Garden centre and had a very good Americano. They have enough space there to be able to cope with a group of riders and they serve some very good nosh, so try it.

As I joined the A31 at the Eastern end of the village I discovered that it was totally closed just to my right, just as well I wasn't planning to go that way. It seems there must have been a major incident as there were flashing lights on vehicles everywhere including an ambulance.

I looped around through Medstead and Upper Wield before heading for home and lunch. A modest 20 but very enjoyable miles covered.

Tuesday 20th January.

Simon and I rode to Crawley Pond to join the Pedallers. It was the coldest it had been all winter at -5 deg C. Fortunately the roads were clear of ice as it had been dry yesterday, though Simon was having trouble with his rear brake which had frozen up.
We spotted Barrie ahead of us as we approached Three Maids Hill and caught up with him near Littleton shortly afterwards we discovered Graham at the side of the road, also with frozen brake trouble! 
At the RV we met Alan, David & Carol, Chris and after a brief chat Barrie left us to return home and the rest of us set off to go to the Waitrose Farm Shop & Cafe on the Leckford Farm Estate.
I soon found myself alone as the other six all seemed intent on being first to the coffee stop. No matter I plodded along at my own pace and caught up with them as they waited for me in King's Somborne. 
Our route was a good one through Houghton, Broughton and the Wallops and the roads were fine except in two places. The first in Middle Wallop where water was spilling onto the road causing a small area of mixed water, ice and slush. The second a larger one on the lane down to Grateley where the water from  a couple of large puddles were being splashed onto the road by vehicles with similar results. I'm glad to say we had no problems with either.

A brief pause in Monxton enabled me to woof down an energy bar before he headed South towards Leckford. I was struggling once again to keep up and as it was already gone noon I decided that I could not afford the time for the coffee stop as I needed to be home by three o'clock. So at Fullerton I bid farewell to the others and headed home via Barton Stacey. In Sutton Scotney I popped into the village shop to "get some nuts" to fuel me for the last 12 miles home.

I did manage to get there well before three. 

It enjoyed the ride but having spent 5+ hours in the saddle with only short breaks no wonder I felt a little shattered. This was soon put right with a cuppa and a nice hot bath and later a sausage risotto of my own recipe.

 Saturday 24th January.
Simon and I had planned to do our own thing and we soon had Sarah and Simon asking if they could join us.
I suggested a ride to Wickham starting at 10 a.m. However when I went out at 9.15 I found the roads to be quite icy in places so I phoned the others and we delayed our start until 11. A wise decision as even then there were still one or two icy patches in the shade.
Our route was very similar to one ridden by Simon and I in October last year with some variations and at least one lane used I'd never ridden before.

We headed to Cheriton on the B road rather than our normal route south through Tichborne, just in case there was ice there.
Up the hill through Kilmeston and over Beacon Hill, our highest point of the day at a little over 600 feet. Sarah as always showing her climbing ability despite her lack of recent miles. The couple of miles downhill to Droxford were covered rapidly apart from a pause just before the village where a horse, pedestrians, cars and cyclists all met!
From Soberton I omitted the hill up to Soberton Heath and took us straight to Newtown. Hoever there was no easy way of avoiding that hill from there to Bere Forest. 

We decided to patronise Lillie's Tea & Coffee Shop rather than the pub. A good choice as we had a very good lunch as you can see from these pictures:

Paddy enjoying his salad.

My Hampshire Beef Stew with roasted vegetables.

Sarah had a coronation chicken sandwich with doorstep size slices of granary bread, sorry no picture, she asked me not to publish it!! I though she would never manage it, but she did. Meanwhile Simon was enjoying Sausage and Bubble & Squeak.

Service was a little slow as they were so busy, but we didn't mind, we were in the warm and enjoyed chatting about all manner of things

The sun was still shining brightly when we emerged to take the road hoime. Why are tea shops always at the bottom pof hills?

I chose a route I'd not tried before via Prickett's Hill, High Street & Solomon's Lane to Waltham Heath. On to Swanmore and into Bishop's Waltham where clever dick tried a new route through the town. We found it was as i had warned the others it might be a no through road. Never mind if you don't explore you never find new routes.

We climbed the hill to Ashton lane and thence to the top of Beeches Hill.

Sarah decided she wanted to crack on and headed off with the three of us trailing behind. However by the time we got to the junction with Salt lane I was still only about 200 metres behind her, so wanting to get my average speed above 11 mph I tried to keep her in sight. She pulled away but then she stopped briefly and I closed within a 100 metres. On the hill down through Beauworth I caught and passed her. At the junction of the A272 I said farewell to her again as I waited for the other lads. 
Paddy Crossing the A272.

We were almost home now and Simon and I took the lane by the ford while Paddy carried on to the B3407.

Simon approaching the foot bridge.

A most enjoyable ride to finish a great week with over 110 miles covered.


Sunday 18 January 2015

Pedallers & Alresford Groupetta Rides

A much less frantic week than last week. I did mange to fit in two rides, dodging the worst of the weather and finding some nice sunny days even if they were a little on the chilly side.

On Tuesday 13th January I rode to Crawley Pond to join the Pedallers. Only David & Carol and Brenda were waiting but Chris appeared soon afterwards having been held up in traffic in Hursley.

Brenda suggested we aimed for Annie's in Michelmersh for coffee. We took the route of least resistance via Kings Somborne and Mottisfont. It was bright and sunny but the forecast cloud and rain could be seen approaching from the west.  It arrived while we were just finishing our coffee/tea and cakes.

When it eased we set off on our return trip, Brenda choosing to return home via the Test valley whilst I led the rest past the Bear & Ragged Staff to Braishfield via Michelmersh Village. 

In Braishfield we split up with David & Carol climbing over the ridge to Kings Somborne, Chris heading for Romsey and I through Slackstead to Standon. the rain had stopped completely by now and by the time I reached Crab Wood I had dried out in the sunshine.

I took the Sarum Road into Winchester and thence home. 

Here are my map and details for the day:

A very enjoyable day despite the heavy shower.

Saturday 17th January Simon was leading the Winchester CTC Intermediate ride in place of Daren who is unwell. (Get fit soon Daren). The weather started with frost and some slippery surfaces but Simon rode into Winchester to the usual RV. Unfortunately no one else turned up so he rode back alone to meet Sarah, Paddy & I, as arranged, at the top of Broad Street.

His route took us through Medstead and Lasham to the Avenue Garden Centre where thee of us indulged ourselves in the largest Belgian Buns I've ever seen. They defeated us!!! Simon more wisely had chosen a more modest sponge cake.

The lane down to Shalden was in very poor condition with pot holes all over the road in places. Fortunately only for a short way. We were soon down the steep hill onto the B3349 and into Alton. 

Next we rode along the Old Winchester road and through the underpass into Chawton.  we paused by Jane Austen's house for a picture shoot. 

The Alresford Groupetta by Jane Austen's House.
(Sporty and my shadow making up the group)
Shortly after taking this picture whilst negotiating the shortcut past the Chawton village church with the sun in my eyes I totally missed spotting a large fallen tree log, hit it and tumbled in a heap. Fortunately neither Sporty or I seemed to have suffered any significant damage though I was feeling rather shaken. Once I had recovered we started off again, but then Simon had problems with a mudguard so we had another short delay while he fixed that.

The A32 was busy and we were a little concerned about drivers approaching us from behind being dazzled by the bright sunshine.  Fortunately we only had to go as far as The Angel near Privett.

Here we had a very enjoyable lunch and chat before heading back home to Alresford. We took the direct route through West Tisted and Ropley. In Bishop's Sutton Sarah & Simon chose to go the shortest route home over White Hill and I decided to go with them. Paddy being sensible took the easier option through the town.

My Garmin map for the ride has not recorded the route correctly but the mileage data seems to be correct, so I have retraced the route on RideWithGps for my records.

I greatly enjoyed the day especially as I had not ridden with Sarah and Paddy for some time so it was good to catch up with their news and ambitions. 
Paddy is riding his first event of the year in two weeks and Sarah will be riding LeJog in September so she is starting her training programme in earnest now.

Many thanks to Simon for his unusual route and to all three for their company and concern when I tumbled to the ground in Chawton.


Sunday 11 January 2015

A Busy Week On and Off the Bike.

On Monday 5th January I handed over my post as registration Officer for Winchester CTC to Marian., on Wednesday 7th Simon and I checked the route for the Early Spring 50 mile challenge, on Thursday I had an interesting  ride with Don Anderson and on Friday 9th I handed over my role as HCMF Treasurer to Bob. Then to finish off the week in style, if not in distance, I rode to Kings Worthy to help with the serving of refreshments to riders on completion of  the Watership Down.

Monday 5th January
Marian came to me to jointly deal with the December list of Winchester CTC members and to take over the post of Registration Officer. We had a bit of "fun" transferring the ownership of the Mail Chimp utility, but otherwise the job went smoothly and Marian is now firmly in the post. 

January 7th 2015.
Simon joined me on a ride to check the northern loop of the Early Spring 50 mile ride.
We left home just after 10 a.m. and rode to Ovington to check that the work on Caroline's Ford had been completed and that the road was open again. it was. Much improved and the water quite low at present.
Here is our Map and Data for the day:

With Simon's help I amended some of the written instructions to make them clearer and I have sent these to Sue Coles for use on February 15th. Sue has since amended the details from my suggestions and those of Gary who checked the southern half of the course., coincidentally on the same day.

Thanks Simon for your valuable assistance.

Thursday 8th January.
It was a very wet start to the day and I had anticipated not riding, but by 1 p.m. the sun was shinning brightly and Jean suggested I should make the most of it. I changed in a flash and by 1.30 I was at the English Partridge in Bighton. On my way I was held up by one of our arch enemies, a farmer showering the road with hedge trimmings. I picked my way past him and shortly afterwards passed Charles on his way home. 
At the pub I only spotted one bike outside and feared that only one rider was within. I was wrong there were about a dozen in there. Some had parked their bikes on the other side of the pub, others had come by car. 
I had a pint with them before we all left to seek our various routes home.
I had mentioned that I would not be going straight home as that would only be a total ride of 6 miles so Don asked me to join him on a roundabout route towards Winchester. I agreed. here is the map of my route from which you will be able to see that we crossed the Candover Valley and went via Woodmancott and East Stratton to Itchen Abbas.

We chatted for most of the way, about many things, most interesting was when we discussed some of our families' connections with the first world war. 
In Itchen Abbass by chance I met Caroline a very good friend from my days volunteering at Naomi House. We had a short but good chat before Don and I continued to Avington. here our ways parted and I headed back to Alresford while Don went west.

Thanks Don for a most enjoyable ride.

Friday 9th January.
I divested myself of another role, that of HCMF treasurer. I drove over to Bob's home taking with me the records and funds of the Fellowship. Had a coffee and a piece of delicious Christmas Cake before passing over the goodies including a cheque for the funds.
Now I only have one volunteer job to deal with that of Treasurer for the Alresford Branch of Save the Children.

Sunday 11th January.
Having been unable to take part in the Watership Down Audax this year I thought I could at least help a little and repay the club for the fun (?) I have had on this event in the past. So after lunch I rode over there and helped with clearing tables and washing up. 
Among the ladies there in the kitchen were Marian and Caroline and Don was doing sterling work with the Brevet Cards and timing along with several other folk I do not know. 
I spotted and chatted with a number of friends from Alton, Winchester and Southampton CTCs and everyone seemed very happy with their day. It had certainly been one of the best regarding weather.
I could only stay a liitle while but I was happy that it had helped at the busiest time. Just before I left, Sue and Stephen arrived, having ridden most of the course after starting the event earlier in the day. Stephen was wearing one of the new Winchester CTC tops. The first I'd seen Very smart!

Just for the record here are my map and data for the day.

A most satisfactory week.


Sunday 4 January 2015

New Alresford to Popham Airfield and back

Sunday 4th January 2015.
An unexpected change in family plans allowed me to sneak out for my first ride of 2015.
Too late to contact Simon as I needed to get going immediately, hope he will forgive me! 
I thought I'd head north for a change and decided to go to Popham Airfield to have a coffee in the clubroom.
Just after I left Old Alresford I was passed by two riders. One male, one female. I am not sure if they were together or not but they were both going at a good rate with the lady about 100 metres behind the gent. They continued up the hill towards Swarraton whilst I forked right to take the alternative way to the Candover Valley. 
I descended Spiers Lane to Chilton Candover and just as I was leaving the village the surprised lady rider came past me again. "How did you get here? You must know some thing I don't" she said. I replied "I know a shorter route of course!" She soon disappeared into the distance.
The mist got thicker as I climbed towards Dummer and it seemed colder too. I crossed the A30 and was soon through North Waltham and up the hill to Popham Airfield which was shrouded in mist.

When I pulled up outside the clubroom I spotted another bike outside which I thought I recognized as Caroline's. However  as there was no sign of Ian's bike I thought maybe I was mistaken. Lucky for me I wasn't. Caroline was inside enjoying a light lunch. I joined her and had a coffee and piece of fruit cake.
It was really lovely to see Caroline and exchange news and gossip but all too soon it was time for both of us to make our way home. We rode together for the first mile or so before our ways parted.
I took my usual route from the bridge under the A303 home, via West and East Stratton, up the short but steep pitch to the top of Northington Down and then a fast descent of Mollie's Dismount.
I was home soon after 2 having covered almost 28 miles.
A decent average speed for the day of 11.6 mph and surprisingly two personal bests on Strava despite the fact I was riding Sporty.
Ride and Data for the day.
Only the one ride to report today as I included last Tuesday's ride as the final one of 2014 the other day.

By the way Les Frewin, the winner of Guess My Miles, has donated his winnings to Naomi House. Thanks Les!