It has been a most enjoyable year of cycling for me. I have completed 81 rides and covered 3,339 miles a little short of my 3,500 target. Maybe I'll squeeze in one more if it is not too wet.
It all started well in January when I set myself a very high standard by riding 122 miles in week two. This was largely because I took part in the Watership Down Audax accompanied by Mary. Including the ride to and from the start, that accounted for 79 miles, one of my longer rides in the year.
Here is the summary of my rides analysed by type. About a quarter of my rides have been with three CTC groups, Winchester, Romsey Hares & Tortoises and Alton. Another quarter are rides to the Hampshire Midweek Fellowship meets, many of these accompanied by Simon. Simon also joined me on lots of the independent rides. These with the special events make up the bulk of the rest of the rides.
Without doubt the most enjoyable ride of the year was the one I lead to join the Alton CTC at their annual barbecue on 31st August. We had perfect weather and a very good turnout of 18. The Alton group welcomed us and fed us right royally. (Many thanks to them and to the other 17 riders who helped make it such a great day!)
I did a number of special events some of which were for fun and some for charity. They were all enjoyable in different ways but all were a challenge which I couldn't resist! On three of these I had Simon to help me along by sharing the pace making, we particularly enjoyed the Hospice to Hospice ride which took us over roads we'd never ridden before, including the legendary but disappointing Box Hill. We had tackled two harder hills earlier on the same ride!
Of course my signature event was my sixth Gridiron. For the first time I rode this on my own. Well not quite as there were another 900 or so also taking part! I did it at my fastest speed ever.
Here is a chart comparing my mileages over the last six years since I re-took up road cycling again. The 1,000 or so miles at the "Years to 2006" marker is the mileage I covered on my Nitro over the previous 9 years.
Although I covered more miles than last year, not having taken any cycling holidays during the year, I was unable to match my 2011 mileage.
Apart from the great camaraderie of cycling in a group and sharing meals and of course coffee and cake, the huge joy of cycling for me is being out in the fresh air, come rain or shine, preferably the latter, seeing the lovely countryside, spotting animals, birds and flowers, smelling the smells too, you miss those in a car!
Taking pictures has been fun too, but not always easy to do when the group is bowling along at a good pace.
Thankfully I have survived the year without any major problems, a few of punctures and one embarrassing tumble when riding with the Alton Group and surprisingly few wettings. Mind you two of the special events made up for that. I reckon I got wet 5 times and dried out 5 times on the WintonMediate and on the Plain Challenge I got wetter than I had ever been before on a bike. Like the proverbial drowned rat!
I should like to thank all those who have ridden with me during the year and made my favourite hobby so much fun. Also thanks for the encouragement I have had from my blog followers who have commented on it. I hope any of you who have comments, good or bad, to make will do so when On My Bike 2013 becomes On My Bike 2014.
I am hoping for another good year in 2014 when I hope I will be joined by many of you out there on our bikes!