Sunday 1 March 2020

Stoke Charity a Magnet?

What a change this week, after not having more than one ride a week recently I managed to fit in three, totalling around 117 miles. Interestingly all three of them saw me riding through Stoke Charity.

Having managed three rides in the week I decided to get in a couple of walks on Saturday and Sunday in the somewhat drier weather. The Saturday walk was in the grounds of Mottisfont Abbey where I made the most of the sunny spell and managed to get a few photos of the winter garden. I thought you might like to see them. 

Here are the details of my rides:-

 Tuesday 25th February 2020.

Wednesday 26th February 2020.

Thursday 27th February 2020.

So after two months of 2020, I have managed less than 500 miles a mere 25% of my target. Next week I will be away, if the weather permits, not riding my bike, so no improvement then!


Thursday 27th February 2020.

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