Sunday, 29 March 2020

Escaping from Lock Down!

The Milk Ladies in the Field. 

Sticky Buds Opening.

My picnic spot courtesy of East Stratton Village.

To all my cycling friends a big thank you for your company and support over the last 12 years or so not only riding our bikes but in many other ways too.

Stay safe and take care:


Sunday, 22 March 2020

Social Distancing.

What a week for the world and all of us, with the "bug" changing everything we do. However, some of us have found ways of following the guidelines and also keeping fit.

I have managed to self-isolate very well with the help of a number of my friends and family.

I have also managed three rides, details below with pictures too.

Monday 16th March.

Friday 20th March.

Sunday 22nd March.

White Way Vinyard. Looking West.

White Way Vinyard. Looking South.

A new view of Old Winchester Hill.

Beacon Hill from White Way. 
Dog's Mercury greening the woodland floor.

Can you guess what house this is?
Weeping willows by Cheriton Mill.

The infant River Itchen.

King cups. 


Whoops! Another victim of the ford!
Hoping you are all keeping well and getting on with your lives as far as possible.

Best Wishes & Take Care!


Sunday, 15 March 2020

Back in the Saddle

After a week away I was able to get back on my bike Txiki again for a couple of spring rides. Bearing in mind my age and somewhat patchy medical situation and with the looming presence of the Corona virus, I chose to avoid stopping at any pub or cafe and took a drink and snack with me on each occasion. I had missed Tuesday's Pedallers ride already as I had an appointment at the doctors' surgery. 
I have decided to self-isolate, but that does not mean not going out. As well as my two rides I did manage to do some DIY on the rear window cills removing some very flaky paint. Had to stop because of rain. I also managed to do some more tidying up in the garden, but will the lawn ever be dry enough to mow?

Here are my rides:-

Wednesday 11th March 2020.

Friday 13th March 2020.

 A couple of members of my family are self-isolating as it is suspected that they have the virus so I am just sending them virtual hugs and kisses through the internet and planning on keeping my distance.

Hope you are all keeping well and avoiding the virus.

Best wishes to you all.


Sunday, 1 March 2020

Stoke Charity a Magnet?

What a change this week, after not having more than one ride a week recently I managed to fit in three, totalling around 117 miles. Interestingly all three of them saw me riding through Stoke Charity.

Having managed three rides in the week I decided to get in a couple of walks on Saturday and Sunday in the somewhat drier weather. The Saturday walk was in the grounds of Mottisfont Abbey where I made the most of the sunny spell and managed to get a few photos of the winter garden. I thought you might like to see them. 

Here are the details of my rides:-

 Tuesday 25th February 2020.

Wednesday 26th February 2020.

Thursday 27th February 2020.

So after two months of 2020, I have managed less than 500 miles a mere 25% of my target. Next week I will be away, if the weather permits, not riding my bike, so no improvement then!


Thursday 27th February 2020.