Sunday 4 August 2019

Another Ton Up!

I have had an excellent week despite missing out on the usual Pedallers' ride on Tuesday which was postponed due to the terrible weather. The ride was rescheduled for Thursday but I still had not got TeeTee back from Marquis so I rode to the HCMF meet at Itchen Abbas and then to collect TeeTee from Upham. I joined Winchester CTC  on Friday for an excellent ride with around 25 others. Today, Sunday 4th I have had a solo ride. More details below:-

Combine near Hinton Ampner discharging grain into the trailer alongside as the cutting continues.
One of three combines I saw working on Sunday taking advantage of the fine weather. In one place the dust from the operation was so bad that I stopped for a few minutes to wait for it to clear. 


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