Sunday 14 July 2019

Hampshire Lanes.& Flowers.

My Flower of the Week.
Rosebay Willowherb.
After last week's rides of exploration, this week has been much more over well-known roads with my friends. On Tuesday 9th July I took Txiki as I was riding with the Pedallers and needed a little help on the hills. It worked well for me and I found that I had only used about 38% of the battery over 45 miles. PinkPal suggested we went to the Chocolate Frog as our original destination the QE Country Park are still using temporary cafe facilities. She also suggested using BryceNav. I was happy to oblige and took them a roundabout way clocking up 20 miles. After our break, Graham suggested that we should return via Lasham so I plotted another hilly way there via Binstead and Lower Froyle. We were blessed with perfect riding weather, warm with some sunshine and little wind.
My flower of the day, Meadow Sweet.

Thursday 11th July Simon joined me for a relatively easy ride to The Queen at Dummer. Once again perfect riding weather. I chose to ride Paris and was pleased with my choice. There was a decent number of us at the pub to enjoy an alfresco lunch with plenty of craic. I was intrigued by the number of different wildflowers that are in bloom at the moment. I tried to remember them and list them when I got back. I see I had forgotten Scabious, probably others too.

Sunday 14th July 2019.

Paddy invited me for a morning ride as he wanted to be back in time to watch the cricket world cup final. We set off at 9 a.m. on our e-bikes to go to Stockbridge for coffee. Our plan worked well and we had a nice break at Lillies Cafe. Then on our way back, we met a group of cyclists and I realised that I knew one of them, Liz Goss, who I had ridden with about 7 years ago. It was a very nice moment.

Since getting home I have been channel hopping, watching the Tour de France, stage won by the S.A. champion Daryl Impey. (My favourite Julian Alaphilippe is still in Yellow) The very hard-fought final of the men's singles at Wimbledon, the Formula One win by Hamilton and the absolutely incredible finish to the Cricket World Cup. Phew! Must go and lie down now to recover in a dark room!


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