Sunday 21 July 2019

A quiet week.

Due to a number of reasons I have only managed a modest mileage this week.  The highlight being our Tuesday Pedallers' ride led by Ian to Crofton. I missed my regular ride to join the HCMF on Thursday as I had a doctor's appointment. Then on Saturday I just rode 7 miles to and from Cheriton where I helped Andrew with his bike jumble and auction.  He put me in charge of collecting the entrance money from the buyers. I did get rewarded with free coffee, cake and bacon butty. I enjoy helping Andrew and am glad to do so as he is very supportive of me. However to finish my week I did enjoy a Sunday afternoon ride with Paddy today.

Tuesday 15th July.
Pedallers' Ride to Crofton.

Saturday & Sunday July 20th & 21st.
Cycle Auction and Sunday ride with Paddy.

Total miles in the week: - 72.4.

Average mileage per week so far this year: - 95.6.


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