Sunday 25 November 2018

Into the wintery weather.

A major change in the weather from the relatively mild sunny days into a bitter east wind with added rain! I opted out of riding on Tuesday, a lot of my pals did too but some brave souls did venture out. I hope they had good protective clothing.
I went out on a drier day on Thursday 22nd November, but it was very chilly and I was glad I'd added an extra layer. 

Since Thursday I have been quite busy with family matters and on Saturday it was a choice between a damp ride or an afternoon of watching the autumn international rugby matches. Guess which I chose?
Three very entertaining matches all won by the home nations, well-done guys.

Hope the weather is more friendly this week. Thursday is our HCMF annual festive lunch so I plan to ride there if the weather permits, no other firm plans at present.


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