Sunday 13 May 2018

Post op pleasure.

I had a small surgical procedure two weeks ago and have now recovered enough to get back out on my bike again. So on Wednesday 9th May I went for a gentle ride with the LoTSW group.

It was a lovely day for it, not too hot not too cold, plenty of sunshine. Enjoyed more flower spotting. 

The following day Thursday 10th May I felt well enough to cycle with Simon to the HCMF meet. Another beautiful day.

Then today Sunday 13th May I started off thinking I was fine, but soon I was having doubts until I discovered the problem was with the Rohan bike I had borrowed from Simon, and not me. I think he should have told me the bike is fitted with an automatic uphill brake. The harder one pedals the more it is applied, presumably to stop one running backwards!

To make my day more complete, en route to The Dolphin I met my good friend Jo and stopped for a natter. Then on the cycle path from Hockley I spotted my grandaughter Zoe with two of her friends, a brief pause to say hello and then in Winchester another friend, Andrew shouted a greeting to me as I rode past him as he walked along the footway.

A pretty good week considering I wasn't sure I'd be riding at all, with 116 miles ridden. Do I get the Ton Up Kid Medal back from Simon?


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