Sunday 4 June 2017

Two Airfields Ride.

Saturday 3rd |June 2017,

Rode with Winchester CTC.

I rode into Winchester to join John's ride to Lasham via Popham Airfield. Ten of us in the peloton made good time out of the city in two groups of five. The second group having to slow up to avoid joining the first one! 
As we passed the fields of developing crops I was intrigued by the various green colours, so I took some pictures which are shown below. 
At the airfield there were a lot of activity with planes both landing and taking off.  Among them an interesting Russian one taking off and a autogyro landing. We had some discussion about when this type of plane was invented and I disputed the claim that these first appeared in the 1950s. I was sure I had seen one much earlier than this. In fact they were around from the mid 1920s. The inventor was a Spaniard,  see here for more details: 

After coffee there was a discussion about the route as a number of the group wanted to return to Winchester fairly directly. It was decided to shorten the route and stop at The Wool Pack in Totford instead of continuing to Lasham. 
I was not happy about this decision as it was virtually turning an all day ride into a morning one for me, so when we got to Axford I left the others and continued to Lasham on my own. 
I stopped at the Golden Glider for a another break and was tempted to enjoy a delicious chicken and bacon pasta bake for my lunch whilst watching many gliders being launched both by tugs and by cable. There were many overhead circling in the thermals. After a while  I headed home via Bentworth and Upper Wield and was still there by 2.15 having covered over 45 miles.

Here is my map of my ride together with data.

The field of rape.

Barley now becoming more yellow as it ripens. 

 Wheat, a much bluer green.

Wheat Field.

Maize, only just getting going.

Maize plants.
More wheat this a different shade.
 A different strain?

In view of the dreadful events in London this must all seem a bit mundane, but we must not let these misguided evil people stop us from enjoying our lives.

Take care and keep safe,


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