Sunday 25 June 2017

My Tour de France.

A short but enjoyable holiday in France on my Posh bike riding with 7 other Winchester CTC riders and our French guide Jean-Jacques. The gilt taken of the gingerbread a little because of a painful back. I must have tweaked it just before the weekend on Friday because it started hurting that evening but was not severe enough for me to cancel the trip.

Here are my ride maps and summaries of the five rides I had:-

Picture Gallery:

The Approach to the Pont de Normandie.
On The Bridge.

Honfleur from the Bridge.
Le Havre from the Bridge.
Honfleur Inner Harbour. 1

Honfleur Harbour 2.

French Sunday Lunch Venue.

The Peleton enjoying the French Lunch.
The Basilica Saint Therese.

Interesting Normandy House.

Gite for Holiday Makers.

Fountain in the centre of Pont L'Eveque.

Linda enjoying an ice cream.

Sand Sweeper in Deauville.
 Huge beach, can you see the sea?

Typical Normandy buildings in the village of

Major John Howard, 
Commander of the troops who liberated the first house in
Normandy and captured Pegasus Bridge.

Grid(not so)ironman 

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