Sunday 29 June 2014

Birthday Week Extra!

Due to unexpected change in domestic arrangements I was free to get out again this morning. Sunday 29th June, 2014 so I was able grab the bike and add to my mileage for the week. (A total of 100 miles for the week rather than the 80 I'd aimed for!) Sometimes luck does go our way!

I set off in much better conditions than yesterday but it was quite cool despite the sunshine.
I took one of my favourite ways out of Alresford via Ovington and Gander Down. I notice that there is a good diversity of crops in the fields at present. I have spotted, in addition to pasture, hay, wheat, oats, barley, linseed, maize, clover, peas, beans, rape (both ripening and two fields still in flower).

The hedgerows are changing too with common hogweed now the dominant plant but there are also some prettier flowers like these rosebay willowherb.

Rosebay Willowherb and Common Hogweed.
Skylarks singing in several places. I'd not heard any recently.

I also spotted in addition to cows and horses these characters:

Alpacas near Midlington House, Droxford.
It was a gentle amble through the countryside compared to yesterday's mad dash in the rain, and I was home just after 1 to enjoy a curry and a beer (or two).

Just for the record here is my route and data for the day.


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