Monday 5 May 2014

Naomi House Challenge & Tea with the McWhirters.

It has been another excellent week of cycling for me despite not being able to join a ride or meet on Thursday due to other commitments.

On Friday 2nd May I took advantage of the fine weather and rode over to have tea with my good friends  Chris and.Alex. I tried to find an interesting way there and a different one back. It was a busy time of the day in Winchester, particularly along the Chilbolton Avenue where the traffic was so slow I passed about 30 cars and a bus! That's the advantage of two wheels!

I had a lovely time with Chris & Alex who I'd not seen for ages we spent two hours chatting and had to have two mugs of tea to keep the old voices lubricated! Tasty cake too! Thanks to both of them for their hospitality and for sponsoring me for the big event of the week, the Naomi House Charity ride on Sunday. (See report below).

My way home was up Magdalene Hill and along the Alresford Road before dipping down to Easton. From there I went through Avington to Itchen Abbass and Itchen Stoke and thence home..

Friday's Route and Data.

Sunday 4th May I was up early as I had to load my bike on the car and drive to Upper Clatford to the start of the Naomi House ride.  It was a lovely sunny morning but quite chilly with a touch of overnight ground frost. I arrived at the RV just after 8.30 to be greeted by Pam and Simon Hall. There was a good number of riders already there, queuing to enter. As I had already entered on line I was able to take a shortcut to signing in and with Simon's encouragement I set off ahead of the main bunch at 8.55. The steepest hill of the day (8.3%) came within three miles of the start. That was far enough to be warmed up but not tired, so fair enough! 

73 riders took part, here are some of them!
As I entered Longstock the other riders started to pass me and I started counting them. By the time I got to King;s Somborne the count was up to 30 including one tandem. In Crawley I stopped for my first break of the ride for a snack bar and a drink. Two other riders also stopped, one had been  born in the much larger Crawley and he thought this one was much prettier.

Between Wonston and Sutton Scotney I heard my second cuckoo of this spring.

By the time I got to Sutton Scotney my count was up to 52. That was all of the longer route riders. However I wasn't the last there as two of the 18 riders on the short course were still awaited. They arrived as I was enjoying the delicious flapjack made by Elaine.

After ten minutes I was on my way once more and did not see anyone else taking part until I got to the finish. Once past Micheldever Station the route was much tougher with two testing hills before Overton and two more before Hannington.

I passed the Vyne public house dead on one p.m., resisting the temptation for a pint, I stopped for 15 mins to picnic on the very attractive village green,

My Picnic Spot on the Village Green, Hannington.
As I  left the village I heard yet another cuckoo. 

My reward for the hill climbing was a few miles of fast downhill. Of course that did not last long, there were a couple more climbs and then that nasty little pitch in Cole Henly. I must have missed a route sign just after this because I saw no more as I passed through Whitchurch. However I knew the route definitely went through Longparish so I headed on in that direction and eventually rejoined the route. My recorded miles were the same as the planned course so I did not feel I'd cheated!

I made good time over the last few miles despite that tricky little climb out of Wherwell. I arrived back at the RV at 14.48 to be greeted by a welcoming group who clapped me in! I felt quite honoured. Simon took care of my bicycle, Emily gave up her chair for me and another of the group rushed off to fetch a very welcome cup of tea and forty cakes. It was a pleasure to sit and be pampered and hear news of others.

Here is my map and data for the day, Note the 2,741 feet of climbing. It felt like more!!

I have already received several donations for Naomi House.Further donations will be  welcome!

Many thanks to Simon and his helpers for such a well run event. A special thanks too to Elaine for the delicious flapjack and thanks also for the other refreshments.


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