Tuesday 6 August 2013

Alresford Groupetta combine with Barrie's Pedalling and Alton CTC

Thursday 1st August 2013.
Simon, Paddy and I decided to ride to Stoke Charity to join Barrie's group. It was a very warm day and we needed plenty of hydration.
On our way to the start I diverted to Mortimer Close in Kings Worthy  to take care of my daughter's animals, (One rabbit, one guinea pig and a cat.), while Simon and Paddy took Loveland Lane.
I arrived at the RV shortly after Paddy & Simon and we joined up with Barrie, Caroline, Karen, Alan M., Alan G., Bill, Graham, Jenny, Daren & Ninya.
Simon was in the group of faster riders who went on ahead of a smaller and slower group including Paddy and I. Barrie took us through some nice shady lanes out of the hot sunshine and we arrived at Jolly Olly's Coffee Shop at 11.30. 
Unfortunately I needed to be home by one o'clock so I did not stop to enjoy coffee with the group which now included Ian who had ridden there from home. 
Paddy joined me for the return trip via Dummer and the Candover valley. 
I took Paddy via the M3/A30 roundabout. Fortunately there is a somewhat delapidated but rideable cycle path to avoid the traffic. Here are the lovely view from it and also a picture of Paddy riding it.

View from the roundabout.

Paddy on the Cycle Path.

Once we were through Dummer it was largely downhil; except for that climb over the ridge between the Candover valley and Old Alresford. Here there are three alternative routes. I prefer the middle one climbing gently from Chilton Candover up Spiers Lane. The one from Preston Candover has more climbing as it climbs and then dips twice and the other through Northington and Swarraton is longer.
We were eventually home just a few minutes after our one o'colck target..
My map and data for the day:

Saturday 3rd August 2013.

A little cooler with some rain showers around one o'clock, a strong SW wind making it hard work at times. 
I had managed to get Sarah and Simon to agree to accompany me to Alton to take part in the Alton CTC ride to Petersfield. We left Alresford by White Hill lane just after 12 noon and Simon led us over the hill at a decent pace. We rode through Ropley Village to Lyeway and then up Lymington Bottom to Medstead. The wind was behind us at this stage so we made good time and we were outside the Civic Centre in Alton in plenty of time to eat our sandwiches. The Alton riders appeared from all directions and soon there were a total of 17 riders ready to roll. We split into two groups, the fast riders following Frank whilst the lesser mortals followed Diane on her electrically assisted bike.. 
We headed through the underpass under the A31 to Chawton Village to find it crowded as some kind of fete or smilar event was taking place. We wove our way through the crowds and past the church and onto the A32. We split into two groups to give the traffic passing us an easier passage. I headed the second group for a while and then Simon took over. It certainly was much easier riding "on the wheel" than on the front.
At East Tisted we took to the lanes and near Colmore we had more traffic problems when we met two cars and a van in the narrowest part of the lane. The drivers were very considerate and we managed to squeeze past. Just after the pub with No Name, Sarah thought about turning for home as she was finding the struggle against the wind very tiring, However the group persuaded her to continue.
I think she enjoyed her Demon Descent of Stoner Hill which she would have missed had she gone home. 
We all went into Owen's Cycles  to have a look at their latest stock and to regroup, 
I suggested to Sarah and Simon that we should leave the group here to return home via Stroud and the Meon Valley with the promise of Tea & cake at West Meon. We said goodbye to the others and cut across to the A272. Our plan worked well once we had climbed a couple of testing little hills. We passed Frank and his faster group heading towards Petersfield.
Here are my two tired companions enjoying the break while we waited for the tea and cakes to arrive at the Cafe.

Tea break in West Meon.

Fortified by tea the last 8 miles went by quickly with Sarah and I vying to climb the short sharp hills first; despite her protestations that she was whacked, Sarah beat me every time. Simon sensibly didn't enter into such silly games!
When we got to Bishops Sutton I was determined not to wimp out and rode over White Hill with my mates so we finished the ride together.
A good ride which despite being hard at times saw us clock up an average moving speed of about 12.5 m.p.h.
For me it was my best RiTMO score to date at 23.9. (Works like a golf handicap, 0 is the best 30 the lowest.)
Thankyou Sarah and Simon for putting up with me on yet another enjoyable day out and to tha Alton CTC group for their company on part of the ride.

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