Sunday 27 September 2020

The Way of The Roses.

I am full of admiration for my Pedaller Pals who have just completed The Way of the Roses ride of around 170 miles in very adverse conditions. Well done all eight of you. Pity you had to split into two groups of four because of the Corona Virus Guidance.

My friend Sarah at the end of their ride. 

For my part, I have been very much restricted to Hampshire with only two rides and a walk. 

The first ride on Tuesday was a groupetta substitute for the normal Pedallers one as they were mainly in Lancs/Yorks. Four of us did a non-E-bike ride to West Meon.

Then on Friday Reg led me a right dance to Sutton Scotney and back.

On Saturday I turned down a ride and instead hosted Caroline and Ian for a chat, coffee & cake in my garden.

Then in the evening I went for a walk.

I am confident my tender hand with be well enough for a usual Tuesday ride. (No plans yet).

I hope you are all keeping well, best wishes,


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