Sunday 24 March 2019

Phil Hampton Memorial Ride completes another great week.

Three Rides with one of my best mates, Simon. I clocked up 128 miles and Simon a few more as he rode to and from my home twice too. So he wins the T.U.K. medal. The first time it has been awarded this year.  

After the high winds last week the weather has been much calmer with a lot of cloud cover. Everywhere the signs of spring are apparent with lots of flowers and blossom and the hedges beginning to green up.

All of my rides this week have been on Txiki and I have been glad to have that little boost from time to time. However, by careful use, it can be available for long rides. I used less than 50% of my battery over 61 miles. 

I have had one problem during the week. After I got home on Thursday I had a flat tyre. I was unable to remove the tyre because the wheels are tubeless ready so the tyres have to fit very well. I went to Owen's and he has changed my back wheel to tubeless. I plan to have the front wheel done too. I did not realise that my existing tyres were suitable for this. The cost of the change was very modest.

I have now clocked up over 1,000 miles so far this year with over 30 rides. All three of my bikes has been ridden

Here are my individual ride reports:-

Tuesday 19th March 2019.

Thursday 21st March 2019

Simon in East Meon.

Saturday 23rd March 2019.

The Fifty Milers about to start.
Can you spot me and Simon?

Thanks, Simon for your company over the week and to dan, Janice and their helpers for a great 50-mile special event.


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