Sunday 29 July 2018

The beginning or the end of Summer?

Another good week of cycling, making the most of the fine dry weather with modifications to plans this weekend. Although I have recorded 6 rides on Strava there are really only three main days out but split into segments. They were all different in character. 
The first on Tuesday 24th July was a Pedallers ride across the New Forest which I found quite tough. The group were great company and looked after me well.
The second on Thursday 26th July was more of a ride with Cycmon to a social lunch with the usual band of regulars. We don't get the size of turnouts we used to, I guess this is partly due to our ageing without many younger new members.
The third on Saturday 28th July was very much a touch of wandering where I wanted and having a fun day including both watching cycling and riding myself.

Tuesday 24th July.

Thursday 26th July.

Saturday 28th July.



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