Sunday 24 June 2018

Chocolate Frog Circuit.

Sunday 24th 2018.
My last ride in my 84th year.

I had a good restful day yesterday so I was ready for another ride to complete my year. Three of the Groupetta joined me for a ride to Oakhanger. A good way to finish my year!

It has been a really good week for me with a total of 153 miles ridden. According to Strava I actually managed 8 PBs today, to add to a mass of others on Tuesday when I was with the Pedallers and a couple on Wednesday with the LotSW Group. Thanks to two of the best bikes I've ever ridden, Posh & Paris. 

Looking forward to a celebration tomorrow evening with my friends at The Flowerpots Inn, Cheriton. Join us for a drink if you can. 



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