After a great week up to midday on Sunday, October 11th my luck ran out when, as I started the descent of the hill into Braishfield, my front tyre blew, with disastrous results. I fell heavily doing severe damage to my right shoulder and ribs which hurt so much I was unable to move. Fortunately, a cyclist from Portsmouth was my "Good Samaritan" He was soon joined by 4 other cyclists who also helped. Between them, they called 999, removed my bike and helped me get into a more comfortable position until the ambulance arrived. My son in law Steve came to retrieve Txiki.
Since then I have spent 5 nights in hospital where it was diagnosed that I have fractures in my scapula, clavicle and five ribs. Fortunately all without displacement. This means apart from a sling to immobilise my shoulder I don't need much support except for pain relief.
I was brought home on Friday, 16th October and have managed to look after myself with assistance from carers for about half an hour each morning and evening until Thursday 29th October, since then I have been managing on my own with a little help from many of my family, friends and neighbours. They have sprung into action to give me support with shopping, donations of food etc. A big thank you to all of them.
At the moment I am undecided about the future, but sadly, I think my cycling will at least be greatly curtailed.
Feeling much better when Caroline and Ian came to visit on the 19th.
Prior to my crash, this is what I had written:
After a wet week last week when I did not ride, partly because I had hurt my right foot, it was good to be out and about again. I never get fed up with riding the local roads as there is always something new to see. Sometimes things I'd prefer not to see, (or smell). This week there were new gravel deposits, lots more acorns and on my way back up Longwood Down Lane a horrible, deep deposit of mud, several inches deep all across the road with deep ruts. I was lucky I was able to control Txiki and didn't come off. The farmer had obviously been driving out on to the road from a very muddy field.
The weather has been much more autumnal and I have been wearing thicker layers. There has been some nice sunshine too.
Whatever the future may hold this will be my last blog as even if I get back to cycling I think it is likely to be rather boring and unexciting. The blog will still be accessible online should anyone wish to access it to look at my routes.
Winchester CTC have included the following in the latest newsletter.
Bryce Mansfield has decided to “hang up his serious wheels”. He has had a couple of falls from the bike recently that resulted in painful broken bones. Fortunately, he is now back at home and we wish him a speedy recovery.
Bryce has been a regular rider with Winchester CTC for the last 13 years. He first came on the scene in 2008 when he turned up at the start of the Watership Down to see what it was all about. He obviously liked what he saw. Since then he has been a regular rider, leader and has also held a range of committee posts.
We hope that he will keep in touch and may be persuaded to help out on events.
Bryce has asked me to pass on his thanks to all of you for your friendship and encouragement over the years. In return, I think I speak for many when I say that he will be missed!
BEST WISHES TO YOU ALL, hoping to see you on the road when I have recovered.